Recent Updates to Jon and Beth's Gallery

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Elena has been having a blast playing on floors these days since she has learned how to crawl backwards and is on her way to crawling forwards. Right now she does this thing that looks like she is doing a full body push-up and then lunges forward. It's amazing how far she can go! Elena with her shirt on her head looking very proud!


Jon and I celebrated 3 happy years of marriage on May 30! We celebrated the occasion by taking Elena to experience her first day at the beach, at the beach where Jon and I first decided to date one another. Then Jon and I spent the evening dining at one of our favorite restaurants, Banana Leaf, a Malaysian food place. After dinner Jon took me to Fisherman's Wharf to look at the boats and see the beautiful skyline at sunset.
Jon and I at Fisherman's Wharf.
Elena, the bathing beauty, and her first experience of sand!
Elena and her daddy explore the water and mud.
Elena poses with her mommy.

It turns out Elena's eyes have turned my colour and are now a grey-blue with a brown center just like Mommy!
Elena makes a grab for the camera!
Jon and I spent part of last Sunday at a birthday party for one of our church friends and someone took this great picture of all three of us together (a rarity). It was a Greek restaurant and Elena experienced her first pita bread and her first taste of spanikopita. She LOVED IT!! Our friend Amber noted that Elena was all dressed in purple...she was a purple pita eater...hehe!


Elena has been having lots of fun with all the boxes everywhere around our apartment since our moving day is quickly approaching. Jon and I decided if Elena liked boxes so much we would put her in were the results.

"Playing in a BOX!" says Elena.
"Wow, this is fun!"
"Hmm, Daddy is closing the box...""Okay, I'll just stay in here, Dad..."
"Whoa, now where is Daddy taking me?"
"Daddy, are you sure this is how I should go to Ontario?""Um, can I come out now?"

Moving day is June 29th and we are mostly packed. We are tearfully saying goodbye to life in Vancouver and starting over anew with joy in Ontario. Jon was offered a job this week as a teaching assistant for the professor of theology at MacDiv and Jon very happily accepted. Jon will be teaching on subjects that interest him, grading, and assisting the running of the courses. Jon couldn't be happier about it.

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