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Monday, January 29, 2007

Ah, the joys of parenting! Elena surprises us with something new all the time. The past few weeks Elena has shown a deep fascination with the visualizer on Jon's computer. She especially loves when we play Trance/Dance music. In fact, she loves the same music that she did in the womb and will attempt to dance to the music and smile big smiles when it comes on.

Elena turned 10 weeks yesterday so she is now 2 and 1/2 months old! And wow is she big for her age! She is almost 14 lbs now (13 lbs, 14 oz to be exact) and is getting longer too! She has almost completely grown out of her 0-3 month clothing and is now wearing her 3-6 month clothes. Here she is playing in her new fun toy: the Tiny Love 3-D Baby Gym that our friends Myles and Karen let us borrow. Elena will play in her little gym for 20-30 minutes at a time, allowing me some much needed time to get things done around the house.

Elena loves her giraffe towel. She especially loves when we let her shower with us and then we wrap her up in her towel, put her on her changing table, and sing to her. She smiles so widely sometimes we can barely see her eyes.

Elena's favorite stuffed animal is Mr. Monkey. Elena loves to talk to Mr. Monkey, hug him, and even tries to "kiss" him. She also loves sitting her chair which vibrates.

When Jon gets home from work, he usually loves holding his lil girl and playing with her. The easiest way to calm Elena down is to put her in her baby carrier. She usually konks right out. Here she sleeps with Jon as he surfs the web (one of Jon's fav pasttimes).

Having a little baby to care for can be challenging at times, but Jon and I have such great joy in watching Elena learn new things. Recently she has learned that she has hands and will hold them out in front of her face and try to use them. I wake up and step out of the room and come back to find her reaching out for me with her little arms and hands spread wide. It is a beautiful sight!

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